lovely What a good idea for
I love every beautiful things. Flowers and garden is one of most elegant beauty of the world.
Saturday, 7 February 2015
Beautiful Love nasturtiums in the garden and nasturtium flowers in salads, so pretty :)
lovely Love nasturtiums in
Beautiful "Lobster Claw" Heliconia Rostrata, attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Stunning!
lovely "Lobster Claw" Helic
Beautiful Ficus Amstel King Braid When people think of Ficus, they often think of the weeping fig, Ficus benjamina. Ficus benjamina is a popular office plant and houseplant because it is inexpensive and easy to find. However, it also sheds leaves very easily which can be annoying. Fortunately, there are other types of Ficus to choose from including Ficus lyrata (fiddle-leaf fig, formerly Ficus pandurata). Ficus lyrata is relatively inexpensive and has very large green leaves.
lovely Ficus Amstel King Br
Beautiful Coreopsis Star Cluster - easy to grow perennial with lots of dazzle. thegardeningcook....
lovely Coreopsis Star Clust
Beautiful African Daisy ... they close up in cool cloudy weather and at night ... beautiful
lovely African Daisy ... th