lovely Dahlia
I love every beautiful things. Flowers and garden is one of most elegant beauty of the world.
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Beautiful Peony ‘Walter Mains’ Beautiful gorgeous pretty flowers༺ ♠ ༻*ŦƶȠ*༺ ♠ ༻
lovely Peony ‘Walter Mains’
Beautiful Part shade: caladiums, pink dragonwing begonias, trailing mintleaf (plectranthus), lantana
lovely Part shade: caladium
Beautiful It seems as though almost every house in my neighborhood has lilacs in bloom, and a drive along country roads reveals lilacs growing by houses and barns, in fields, and just along the side of the road. Once a lilac is established, it can be very long-lived; in New England, it is not uncommon to stumble across the cellar hole of a long-abandoned farmstead and find lilacs blooming in what used to be the dooryard. Most of the lilacs you will see along country roads
lovely It seems as though a