lovely Snow Storm with Flow
I love every beautiful things. Flowers and garden is one of most elegant beauty of the world.
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Saturday, 29 November 2014
Beautiful The Diphylleia Grayi is a wonderfully unique flower whose petals turn clear as glass when it’s splattered with raindrops. Commonly referred to as the skeleton flower, it hails from the moist wooded mountainsides in the colder regions of China and Japan. The flowers come out in late spring, with large, fuzzy green, umbrella-like foliage topped […]
lovely The Diphylleia Grayi
Beautiful Kui keegi on Kristuses, siis ta on uus loodu, vana on mdunud, vaata, uus on sndinud. (2 Kr 5:11-21)
lovely Kui keegi on Kristus
Beautiful black orchids | I wish i could get one! Though I bet they cost a pretty penny.
lovely black orchids | I wi
Beautiful ♥ How does YOUR garden grow? ...Beautifully* ♥ Have a Blessed Day ♥ You Matter ♥
lovely <3 How does YOUR gar